Day Buy Day with Onye-Ala is a new African sketch comedy series created by Uchenna “Conphidance” Echeazu and produced by Straight From Tha Mothaland Entertainment. The sketch comedy series is about the life of Onye-Ala, a comedic fictional character who doesn’t understand the concept of resistance; basically his mouth has diarrhea. He wears a gray suit, a red tie, has an afro and a hole in his shoe. The sketch comedy series begins when Onye-Ala’s life changes after the economy goes into a recession.
It premiered on January 1st, 2012 and new episodes will be available on the 1st and 15th of every month at and . All ethnicities are welcome to be entertained by the sketches and please be prepared to Laugh Til You’re Tiyad!!!
Here are links to the first two episodes of the sketch comedy series but feel free to watch other episodes for more laughs.
For any questions, please free to contact:
Uchenna “Conphidance” Echeazu
Writer | Director | Producer
Straight From Tha Mothaland Entertainment
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